Enid Bootzin Berkovits took over the direction of the Beth El Choir in 1988. She directed the choir, sang with Cantor Norton Siegel as a cantorial soloist, then with Cantor Jerry Berkowitz, also participating in synagogue concerts. Her involvement with the choir stretches back deep into our history, as she…
Amid the pandemic, and given the importance of connectivity, CBINT convenes a web redesign committee to update the website. It is rededicated and presented as a gift to the congregation on the first night of Hanukkah.
Rabbi Alter arrives at CBINT supporting an active Chesed Committee to attend to the pastoral needs of our membership and encouraging even more Caring Committees to seek out ways to heal what ails Milwaukee.
BENT Memorial plaques are installed in CBINT’s Glendale synagogue chapel in 2014. CBINT develops and implements a new logo mark in 2015.
Hazzan Stein arrives at CBI bringing his fusion of jazz, rock, world music, and Jewish camp song ruach and melodies into musical programs and services.
Rabbi Jacob Herber arrives at CBI and remained the congregational spiritual leader until 2018 infusing teachings from his global affiliations into sermons and programs, as he participated in numerous international Rabbinic delegations.
The partnership between Congregation Beth Israel and Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid is approved by both congregations. The newly blended synagogue is called Congregation Beth Israel Ner Tamid.
Beth El Ner Tamid, known for its robust group of Torah readers, dedicates a Torah which the community scribed under the supervision of Rabbi Goldenholz.
Congregation Beth Israel begins a year-long centennial celebration and enters its second century in 1985. Beth El Ner Tamid dedicated the new Mequon Synagogue in 1984. Rabbi Goldenholz arrives at BENT in 1985; women are allowed upon the Bima as BENT makes large strides towards an Egalitarian institution throughout the…
Beth Israel held its first services in the newly completed school building in 1962, the first phase of the new synagogue building. The second phase dedicated the social hall and sanctuary building in 1966. CBI dedicated the new sanctuary in 1980 and the third phase was completed.